BREA has provided specialized consulting support, including market research, economic impact studies and demand analyses, to cruise lines, ports and port service providers, hospitality companies, government agencies and industry associations.


Market Studies

BREA’s principals each have more than twenty years of experience in consulting and forecasting with a wide range of international product and service companies.


     ·      Demand Studies

     ·      Market Potential Studies

     ·      Long-term Trend Analyses

     ·      Destination Analyses

     ·      Demographic Analyses

     ·      Forecasting & Modeling



Market Research

BREA principals have conducted numerous market research projects including, intercept surveys of cruise passengers, national and regional consumer telephone surveys, and operational and financial surveys of business activity.


     ·      Passenger Intercept Surveys

     ·      Financial Surveys

     ·      Customer Satisfaction

     ·      Consumer Telephone Surveys

     ·      Business-to-Business Surveys

     ·      Segmentation Analysis

     ·      Market Sizing


Economic Impact Studies

BREA principals have developed economic impact studies for industries and regions throughout North America. Since 1998, BREA principals have been engaged by ICCL to conduct an annual economic impact analysis of the cruise industry on the United States economy. Visit the ICCL website to view this report.



     ·         Industries

          ·      Cruise

          ·      Gaming

          ·      Ports

          ·      Lodging

          ·      Support Industries

     ·          Regions

          ·      United States

             ·      States, MSAs, etc.

          ·      Caribbean Destinations